What I do
Featured in
Helgard Below
"Nur wenige Fotograf*innen beherrschen die Food-, Porträt- und Reisefotografie … so perfekt wie Maria. … Mit ihrer Fähigkeit, sich schnell auf Menschen und Situationen einzustellen, kommen zudem Leichtigkeit und Lebendigkeit in ihre Fotos."
Peter Hossli
NZZ am Sonntag
"Maria Schiffer ist eine leidenschaftliche Fotografin. Sie beobachtet genau und lichtet Menschen in ihrer ganzen Menschlichkeit ab. Marias Arbeit «Eating with Africa» ist aus meiner Sicht eines der spannendsten und vielfältigsten journalistischen Projekte der letzten Jahre. "
Anne Stolba
"Marias Bilder sind immer auf den Punkt; kreativ, mitfühlend und liebevoll."
Magazines / Publishing Houses
Der Spiegel; Geo Saison; Der Feinschmecker;
Der Tagesspiegel; Ringier Axel Springer Schweiz AG - GaultMillau-Channel; Dorling Kindersley Verlag GmbH; Südwest Verlag GmbH; Süddeutsche Zeitung; MERIAN; BRIGITTE;
BRIGITTE Mom; BRIGITTE Wir; Stern; BEEF; Emotion; MAX Magazine; Lufthansa Magazine; Swiss Board Magazine; Gruner & Jahr Corporate Editors; NOW / otto group; Chancen / KfW Bank; Werte / Deutsche Bank; SonntagsBlick; Robb Report; FOODIE; DVZ Magazine
Brands / Companies / Agencies
Booking.com; BRLO GmbH; BRUNATA; bp content; Baby Box and Family; elbgold Röstkaffee GmbH; HAWO GmbH; Kara-Tunga Foundation; Meta; Natural Mojo; PlusDental; Shutterstock Inc.; Vranken Pommery GmbH; ZUVA
People / Personalities
Eating with Africa
Eating with Africa is an African travel cookbook © DK Verlag. It's my culinary journey through 10 African countries and a collection of 50 personal recipes and stories. The book is available in all German-speaking countries. BUY THE BOOK
German Cookbook Award 2020
3rd place in the category International Cuisine
Gourmand Award 2021
awarded as one of the Best in the World
Schön, dass du hier bist. Nice to meet you.
Hi, I’m Maria, a German-American storyteller, photographer, author, and certified holistic nutritionist focusing on Africa. For thirteen years, I've specialized in high-end editorials, books, and corporate photography. My life took a transformative turn with the publication of my award-winning travel cookbook, 'Eating with Africa,' by DK Penguin Random House in 2020. Throughout the research for my book and while traveling through 10 African countries, I broke boundaries and shared the authentic journey closely with others via social media. These experiences not only changed my life but also broadened my knowledge.
My newfound expertise in Africa, nutrition, and interest in regenerative farming allow me to offer a unique perspective in my work. This inspired me to begin working towards my next big vision: BODY and SOIL. Today, I've redirected my focus from Europe to Africa, offering my skills to organizations and companies that promote impactful brands of change and tell stories of conservation and transformation in Africa. I believe that finding your purpose is key, that the journey itself brings happiness, and that everything is "figureoutable."